One of the young people that I work with once told me that the only reason that I did my job was for the money and that I must get ‘bare douh’ for keeping him out of prison. This was my response…
I do it so that you
Can go to school
And get an education for free
I do it so that you receive a choice
Of what you want to be
I do it so that you can live a life without
Prejudice and fear
I do it so that you feel no shame
In being here
I do it so that I can look you in the eye
I do it so that you have the ability to read and write
I do it
So that you can hold your head up high
So that you shed no more tears
So that you do not die
Before the age of 21
I do it so that you have no reason to cheat or lie
Or steal from your mother
Or slap down your sister
Or diss your brother
So that you realise the meaning of pride
And wear it upon your body like skin
A choca mocha locca coat
Of history and dignity and self love
So that you do not allow
Knowledge to slip through your fingers
But instead let it seep into your mind
So that you find value in the sun and rain
And learn from your mistakes
I do it so that you do not make my mistakes your own
So that occasionally you will step out
Of your comfort zone
And try something new
Instead of feeding the stereotypes of the many
Who would have you remain one of the few
I do for you so that you do for you
And only ask that you do too
I do it so that
You stay true to the dreams
Of those that went before
I do it so that those that died
Died not in vain
For you are their legacy
And should shine like the Nubian star
That glorified the way to freedom
For those stubborn slaves
I do it so that you see beyond
The bling and rap superstars
The bitches and hoes mentality
That so tightly grips your reality
And strangleholds our community
So that you believe in yourself
And not those that say
That the only way
Is to get rich or die in the process
I do it so that
You will do for your children
And they in turn will do for their children
What you have seen me do
I do for you so that you do for you
And only ask that you do too
For the right to vote
To earn a decent wage
To live in a decent home
Filled with warmth and love
I do it so that those that do not
Can be stopped in their tracks
As they attempt to attract
The negative in us all
So that the positive in your heart
Will steer you away from the opposing path
I do it for you and your brother too
Your father sister and mother
So that they are secure in the knowledge
That their brother and son
Is safe and of solid mind
I am no martyr
I am only a man
But I do because I have to do
I do because I can
What no one else would want to do
Or is able to
I do so that you will aspire to be
And just like me
Eventually find your own inner peace
I do for you so that you do for you
And only ask that you do too
Hi Bri, this is inspiring I think all young people we work with should have a copy of this. It would get them thinking. Have you thought about writing a book? lol Ros